“Not everyone owns their own company…”

Brother… how many times I’ve heard this.

Today’s installment came from a close friend who will remain nameless, in response to this post on Instagram.

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My response was this:

“If sitting behind a desk makes you happy, then this post isn’t for you. It does say most people. However if it resonates with you, certainly to the point of taking the time to comment, then maybe it will give you, or someone else, that extra little umph to go after their goals… their dream. My company wasn’t handed to me. It was a dream a decade ago and started very, very small. Now I’m focused on new dreams, as it should be.”

A meme such as this is meant to be inspirational. It inspired me when I saw it, so I shared it, simple. And I stand by the notion that, if that desk and keyboard brings a smile to your face….good on ya! Do that.

If it bothers you then, my guess is, you yearn for something different. Maybe it’s a flexible schedule. Maybe it’s being able to direct your own course. Whatever it is, use that uncomfortable feeling you get when you see something like this as inspiration. To move forward. To take the first step.

It’s always about the first step.

I didn’t wake up one day working for “the man” and someone walked up to me with a business plan and said, “Hey buddy! You busy? Grind got ya down? Want to have this construction company? Want to sell real estate? Want to be a property manager? You’ll be able to make it look on Facebook like you never work. Sound good?”

No. It didn’t happen that way.

Being the captain of my own ship was my only goal for “work” and, sans a few years in new home sales with a national homebuilder, I’ve done just that.

I’ve also been comfortable with enormous amounts of risk. Of self-doubt. Of uncertainty.

Spending the majority of your working years not knowing where your next paycheck is coming from isn’t for everyone. Having to self motivate. Every. Day…isn’t for everyone.

If that sounds appealing to you. Go for it. Start small. Take the first step.

It’s always about the first step.

One thought on ““Not everyone owns their own company…”

  1. it’s all about taking that first step……or, leap…..

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